First off, WELCOME!

Here at Dang Designs, we kinda make some cool stuff and we want you to as well. Whether you're new to crafting or a seasoned pro, welcome to the DANG GANG. There may or may not be some useful information for you here.

You're going to want to do a few things first.

1. Follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/dangdesigns.ca

2. Be prepared to fail. Don't expect that you'll get it on the first try. We're here to put in the work. If it doesn't work out, we try again and again. It's okay to take a break and step away when you're frustrated because when you're frazzled, AIN'T NOTHIN' going your way.

3. You don't have to run a business or want to run a business, you could just craft for fun! It usually just starts off as fun but then you're making money left and right and all of a sudden you're a full fledged BIDNAZ.

4. I am no professional but I know a thing or two and we can also learn together on our adventure. So buckle up and let's craft some sh*t!

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